Our partners
Exclusive representation of companies

BS POOL The company designs and manufactures saltwater electrolysis units for public and private pools. Their commitment is to design products for water disinfection in pools without chemical products.
DALLES DE FRANCE FRANCE - Producer of pavings and curbstones. They offer six different lines of pavings with high ressistance produced from clear rock. Their products helps create pleasant enviroment of terrace, gardens, interiors and surrounding areas around the inside and outside swiming pools.
BOMBAS SACI S.A. SPAIN - The Manufacture of pumps. Their specialization is characteristic, with every piece re-checked and use of the best materials for every part of each Saci pumps provides long lifespan and smooth flow. Their pumps are suitable for swiming pools with salt water.
ESPIROFLEX SPAIN - Leader in the flexible pipes and hose market, using most advanced technologies in field. Special inside coating of the pipes and hose PROTECT provides special protection against scratches and CL.

FAIRLAND ELECTRIC Ltd. CHINA - The Manufacture of heat pumps, using modern and quality technologies from Japan, thanks to which the pumps with value C.O.P. up to 16 became the most powerful heat pumps on market. Suitable for heating of the private or public swimming pools - with the option of the pumps with cooling system.
GRIFFON - BISON INTERNATIONAL NETHERLAND - The Manufacture of cleaners and glues. Their glues are characteristic with top gluing abilities and fast drying. Griffons special brush provides easy spreading of glue on its final destination. :)
CHEMOFORM AG GERMANY - Chemoform today is one of Europe’s largest manufacturer of water treatment products and provides wide range of speciality products catering for particular challenges in the water treatment of swimming pools.

IML SPAIN - The manufacture of pumps and accesories - Company with more than 50 years experience in the making of swimming pool pumps. During this time they have acquired expertise in manufacturing quality products for the pool market. Efforts are continually being made to improve both the design and quality of their range of products and also provides best possible service.
KRIPSOL EXPORT S.L. SPAIN - Company which was established in 1987 with experience in the making of filtrations, counterflows and other swiming pool accesories as a lights, skimmers and ladders.
PENTAIR WATER BELGIUM - As the global leader in swimming pool, spa and aquatic equipment, Pentair has built a reputation as the innovation leader, providing high performance, reliable and energy-efficient products that pool owners and operators can depend on.

SEKO ITALIA S.p.a. ITALY - Producer of dosing systems with long time experience in water treatment field. Seko provides wide variety of products for water treatment dosing from basic semi-automatic dosing machines to complex automatic dosing stations. Their products are useful for private pools aswel as for public pools.
VÁGNER POOL CZECH REPUBLIC - Company Vágner Pool has been established in 1994 and provides distribution and production of swiming pool technologies and accesories. Among our own wide variety of produced products counts reel systems, cascade showers, electroautomatic controls, transformers, heat exchangers, electrical heating and solar panels. Our company also complete filtrations and counterflow systems. Vágnerpool today is one of Czech’s largest distributor and producer of swimming pool technologies, succesfuly co-operates with many important foreign producers and also exporting to over 20 different countries.
VGE INTERNATIONAL BV NETHERLAND - VGE International BV is leader player on market in development and production of UV-C devices for private pools. Care to the enviroment and economy is major perspective of the company.
Representation of companies

AQUARAM VALVES & FITTINGS ŠPANĚLSKO - AQUARAM VALVES & FITTINGS S.L. (dříve CORAPLAX) je mezinárodní společnost zabývající se výrobou ventilů a fitinek určených pro bazénové provozy i výrobou dalšího příslušenství pro práci s kapalinami.
BIO UV A French company that has been working with ultraviolet irradiation for over 17 years. Thanks to the good results in medicine, water treatment and technical facilities using the best and latest UV-C technologies, Bio UV delivers the most efficient and innovative water purification techniques that meet customer requirements.
DINOTEC A German company dealing with technology for treatment of swimming pool and drinking water. DINOTEC GmbH aims to take over and introduce news into its offer to develop environmentally friendly technologies that minimize operating costs for water maintenance.
FIP S.P.A. ITALY - Since 1954 FIP produces valves and fittings in thermoplastic materials such as PVC-U, PP-H, C-PVC, PVDF, to be used in swimmin pools, spas and pressure piping fluids transportation.

FLEXINOX, S. A. SPAIN - Flexinox, SA company was founded in 1999 and has two main divisions - Flexinox pool (accessories for swimming pools), Flexinox boiler (specialists in the production of durable stainless steel for thermal heating).
HUGO LAHME GmbH GERMANY - Hugo Lahme company for the past 60 years engaged in the manufacture and development of products used in pool operations. Products Fitstar ® (counterflows, blowers), ALLFIT (skimmers, water attractions), Vitalight (lighting) and SpringFit (nozzles, cascade shower) are made of highest quality bronze and stainless steel which guarantees a long service life.
MTS PRODUKTE NĚMECKO - MTS Produkte GmbH vyrábí vysoce technologické příslušenství pro bazény a vířivé vany. Díky použitým materiálům (vysoce kvalitní plast, nerezová ocel) je zaručena dlouhá životnost výrobků této firmy.

PAHLÉN SWEDEN - PAHLÉN is a genuine Swedish company with more than 40 years experience of manufacture of quality products for swimming pools. We offer equipment for small private pools as well as large public facilities. The products are made of bronze, acid-proof stainless steel, titanium and thermoplastic, first-rate quality materials, a guarantee for an outstanding lifetime and reliability.
PLASTICA ENGLAND - PLASTICA is the UK's leading independent manufacturer and distributor of swimming pools, covers, liners, chemicals, reels, leaders and accessories. We also install commercial swimming pool reels and covers.
PROPULSION SYSTEMS A Belgian company with more than 30 years of experience in the production of pool LED lighting. Their products meet the highest demands of consumers due to their reliability and durability.
SPECK PUMPEN Germany - Since 1909 Speck Pumpen is a leader in pumping technology. Through successful innovation and precision engineering are Speck pumps supplier for a wide range of industries, swimmingpools and spas around the world.

ZODIAC POOL CARE FRANCE - Zodiac, manufacturer of automatic and semi-automatic cleaners-hoovers, automatic equipment for swimming pool water, heat pumps and dehumidifiers.