
Glossary of Terms

Name Description

Abbreviation for Pool Super Tablet, which mainly contains chlorine, algicide and flocculant


Total chlorine

Sum of free and bound chlorine..



Flocculant which serves to clump the smallest impurities in the water, which are less than the filtration ability of the filtration into the flakes that the sand filtration already catches.




Compounds resulting from the reaction of chlorine in the water.



Abbreviation for Oxidation-Reduction-Potential. This indicates the health benefits and disinfection of the water and the level of oxygen remaining in the water. ORP is affected by any oxidizing agent added to water, such as chlorine, bromine or air. ORP determines a very important index: the bacteriological quality of water. The ideal ORP designated by the WHO (World Health Organization) for drinking water is set at 650 mV. This value prevents the prevention of microbes and bacteria that could occur in untreated water.




The negative logarithm of the concentration of protons or hydrogen ions (H +) in the liquid, in our case water. If the concentration of protons is higher than hydrogen oxide (OH-), the water is acidic. On the contrary, it is alkaline. The correct pH value of the water must be known. The ideal pH of a standard pool is between 6.9 and 7.4, depending on pool coverage and water quality. The pH of seawater is between 8 and 8.5 and the alpine water is around 7



Plastic container with a throat usually built into the wall of the pool, which sucks water with impurities on the surface. The skimmer includes a basket for collecting coarse dirt (eg leaves, etc.) and a door to prevent dirt from being returned to the pool (when filtering is turned off). The water from the skimmer flows into the filtration.



Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) is a variety of diverse substances dissolved in water. These substances may be mineral salts, calcium, organic and inorganic substances and particles sulphates, silicates, urine, deodorants, perfumes, etc. Residues of chemicals produce particles that dissolve in water directly affect TDS values. The ideal TDS value does not exceed 900 ppm (parts per million). Water that exceeds 900 ppm is easy to spot - it smells and has a different color than usual. The only way to reduce TDS is to replace a substantial part of the pool water.


Bound chlorine

Chlorine, which is already bound to impurities in water. Causes a characteristic odour. The most common form of bound chlorine is the so-called chloramines.


Free chlorine

Active chlorine present in water for disinfection. It reacts with organic impurities to form bound chlorine.